Register for C&C:Online

In order to use C&C:Online, you need to register as a user, verify your e-mail address and set up a server login.

If you have technical problems with the server, do not register more accounts here. Rather, contact us in the support forum or on Discord.

C&C:Online accounts are no longer linked to the Revora Forums.

Required. Between 3 and 26 characters. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.

Required. Minimum 8 characters.

Enter the same password as above, for verification.

Revora Creative Network


The Revora Creative Network (Revora) is an online network and global community for creative projects. We focus mainly on the development and modding of video games, but we are also the home of other creative projects such as blogs, music and graphical art. Our main goal is to provide services to the benefit of these projects, such as giving them free hosting to showcase their project and maintaining community forums in which they can help each other with their work.

Revora Association

Revora is represented in all financial and legal matters by the Revora Association, a voluntary association based in Switzerland. Read more about the association and its goals on our association page.

You are welcome to visit our forums and contact us!

C&C:Online is supported by

GameReplays GenTool Shatabrick